Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Long Wait is Worth It.

There are time that when you feel you’re running out late, we tend to forget important things. Just like what happened to me almost week ago. I forgot to bring the house keys, so what I did I spent my hours waiting for my brother come home. Since I know that he’ll be coming home late. I don’t have any choice but to make myself busy of something. So the first thing came to my mind, is to pass the time at Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Ground since our place is just a few blocks away.  And, for almost 2 and half hours of waiting here`s what I got. 

There are five pics that show that my waiting is worth it. Why? cause not everyone can be able to experience such natural event that I called "From Dusk 'til SkyFall". :) 

last shot
Time:  7:30 pm
Location: CCP Ground facing Roxas Blvd.

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